Designer and researcher in CT developing human-centered solutions for social impact.

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Designer and researcher in CT developing human-centered solutions for social impact.

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As a curriculum developer at the Museum of Science, Boston, I researched and designed culturally relevant, hands-on engineering activities that engage and empower students in formal and out-of-school time programs. Each curriculum product in Engineering is Elementary’s national-disseminated curricula serves a distinct audience and age group, including children in pre-k and kindergarten, students in grades 1-5, and youth in after school programs.

Each Engineering is Elementary unit challenges young people to solve a problem through engineering. My team and I designed these activities to include low-cost, accessible materials and rigorously teacher-tested educator guides. We write each activity with the specific constraints and opportunities of the educational setting in mind and build in supports for English learners and students who receive special education services.

Other features of these units include context-setting videos, storybooks, and audio messages; family resources; illustrations; student recording sheets and Engineering Notebooks. Easy-to-follow preparation tips and plain language communication helps educators feel confident in their ability to facilitate these engineering activities with their group.

Wee Engineer, ages 3-4
Core Writer and Curriculum Developer
> Noisemakers [2018]
> Wrecking Balls [2018]
> Fans [2018]
> Rafts [2018]

EiE for Kindergarten, ages 5-6
Core Writer and Curriculum Developer
> Raising the Roof: Engineering Shelters [in development]
> Taking Out the Trash: Engineering Trash Collectors [in development]

Engineering is Elementary, grades 1-5, in school
Curriculum Developer
> Resources for English learners to be used alongside 20 curriculum units [2018]
> Modified curriculum for students with low vision at Gulu Primary School in Gulu, Uganda [2013]

Engineering Adventures, grades 3-5, out-of-school time
Core Writer and Curriculum Developer
> In Good Hands: Engineering Space Gloves [2018]
> A Slippery Slope: Engineering an Avalanche Protection System [2016]
> Light Up the Night: An Electrical Engineering Challenge [2016]
> Music to My Ears: An Acoustical Engineering Challenge [2015]

Engineering Everywhere, grades 6-8, out of school time
Core Writer and Curriculum Developer
> Testing the Waters: Engineering a Water Reuse Process [2018]
> Worlds Apart: Engineering Remote Sensing Devices [2018]
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