Designer and researcher in CT developing human-centered solutions for social impact.

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Designer and researcher in CT developing human-centered solutions for social impact.

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Dominican Traditional Medicine for Urban Community Health

I used ethnographic data and field interviews to collect and communicate information on the use of plants as medicine in New York City with the Dominican Traditional Medicine for Urban Community Health project.  The goal of the project was to synthisize information about the way people use medicinal plants in the DR, how that knowledge and cultural practice gets translated in the US, and how doctors and nurses in New York hospitals can be better prepared to care for their patients.

To help compile a working knowledge-base for the project, I organized and transcribed interviews with botánica owners, customers, and healthcare workers. I also maintained delicate collections of plant material collected in the DR and in the US and photographed the specimens for publication.

A PDF of the web-text version of this resource is available here: Dominican Medicinal Plants: A Guide for Healthcare Providers

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